Mobile-first, Responsive Web Design

On average 40% of internet users will view your website from a smartphone or tablet, so if your website has not been designed to be viewed on these devices you are losing a large portion of potential customers.

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Responsive Web Design – What is it?

Websites are accessed by increasingly varied devices (e.g. desktop computers, tablets, smartphones).  The number of devices, platforms and browsers that need to work with your website is growing rapidly.   A website that responds to the device that accesses it and delivers the appropriate output for it uses responsive web design.

A responsive design approach designs one website but specifies how it should appear on varied devices.  Responsive web design represents a fundamental shift in how websites need to be built over the next decade.

Why Responsive Web Design?

On average 40% of internet users will view your website from a smartphone or tablet, so if your website has not been designed to be viewed on these devices you are losing a large portion of potential customers.

Users expect websites to work as well on these devices as they do on their computers.  Users are becoming more willing to fill out forms, perform actions and even make purchases on their mobile devices.  It’s a whole new potential market for any website and it’s vital that you take advantage of this opportunity.

Responsive web design is a concept that allows one website to adapt to the size of the screen that it’s being viewed on.  This allows the viewer to easily view and navigate through the website whether they are using an iPhone, iPad, laptop, tablet or desktop computer.  The recent adoption of smartphones and tablets has been phenomenal.  As a result, internet users today are viewing websites on a wide range of devices.

Using responsive web design to build a website allows only one website to be built and rolled out across many devices.  This approach is cost effective for the website owner as development time is minimised.  Plus, all future updates only need to be implemented on one site.

Responsive web design allows internet users to say goodbye to frustrating website navigation with poorly designed systems and content that is too small to read.  A responsive website ensures the users’ journey through the website is optimal.

We are currently witnessing a significant shift in the way people access and use the internet.  Each day there is an increase in the number of devices, platforms and browsers that your website needs to work in tune with.

Responsive Web Design – what are the benefits?

  • High quality user experience
  • Websites load faster
  • Text is resizable
  • Saves time and money
  • Works on all devices, platforms and browsers
  • Optimised for SEO

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