Search Engine Optimisation

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is a process which allows a website to be ranked higher than other similar websites in relevant search result lists within a search engine.

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Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) – what is it?

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is a process which allows a website to be ranked higher than other similar websites in relevant search result lists within a search engine.  For example, if you have a Party Supply Shop based in Castle Hill, it would be ideal that your website appears on the first page of Google search results when people search using terms such as “Castle Hill party supplies” or similar.

Search engines like Google use a complex set of rules (indexing process) to read the design and content of your website and determine where it should appear on a search results list.  Search engine optimisation (SEO) uses a variety of techniques to ensure search engines (eg. Google) recognise the website as most relevant for particular search terms, thereby ranking the website higher than others on the search results list.

As you know from your own internet searches, potential customers are only likely to view the first few pages of results, often only the first page, so effective search engine optimisation (SEO) is essential for any business with a website.

If you want people to see your website without paying a daily rate or “cost per click” to the search engine to appear in the sponsored advertisements (eg. Google AdWords), you need to have your website search engine optimised.

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is the most efficient and cost effective way to improve your websites’ “natural” or “organic” or “unpaid” internet ranking.  Search engine optimisation (SEO) will allow your website to be viewed by more people, specifically by people who are searching for your services.

As experts in search engine optimisation (SEO), we take the time to understand exactly how to best describe your services and products and use this information in a way that the internet search engine/s can recognise through specialised website content development/editing and specialised website design techniques.  Our search engine optimisation (SEO) services ensure your website is viewed higher and earlier on results pages leading to more customers viewing your page.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) Services

Our search engine optimisation (SEO) services are customised to the needs of your business and include:

Website Analysis:  We analyse your website internet rankings for relevant search terms and provide you with an understanding of what is needed to make your website more SEO friendly.

Content Optimisation: Website content is a key factor in the indexing process performed by search engines.  Writing effective content for websites requires an in-depth understanding of search engine optimisation (SEO).  Our copywriting specialists will write the content of your website based on key search terms most relevant to your business taking into account search engine indexing guidelines.  Specialised design techniques combined with specialised writing techniques ensure your website receives more visitors from potential customers.

Page Optimisation: In addition to applying search engine optimisation (SEO) techniques to your website as a whole, search engine optimisation (SEO) can be applied to each landing page on your website in relation to its’ specific content and target market.  We ensure each page of the website has the best possible ranking in its’ own right.  For example, if you run an outdoor leisure store in Castle Hill and you have different pages in your website covering ‘Camping’, ‘Fishing’, ‘Hiking’ and ‘Outdoor Adventure Fashion’, we will ensure that potential customers searching for “fishing Castle Hill” are directed towards your ‘Fishing’ landing page and potential customers searching for “camping gear Castle Hill” are directed towards your ‘Camping’ landing page.  This is a basic example – there are many factors which affect page optimisation.

Analysis of Competitors: An understanding of website competitors within your industry is crucial.  We analyse your competitors’ websites including their search engine optimisation (SEO) strategies and level of success regarding search engine rankings.  We apply strategies which will be cost effective taking into consideration your competitors.

Supplementary SEO techniques: It is also important for your website to connect with other effective internet resources.  Using online directories, videos and external links are just some of the techniques which can be applied.

Ongoing Analysis of Traffic and Ranking:  Our service includes follow up analysis through detailed tracking of website traffic and ranking for a variety of keywords.  Post-optimisation analysis allows you to see the impact that search engine optimisation (SEO) techniques have had on your website with quantitative results.

Search engine optimisation (SEO) requires experience, a pragmatic approach and a substantial quantity of unique and relevant content. Choosing a knowledgeable search engine optimisation (SEO) partner is essential.  Effective search engine optimisation (SEO) will save your business a large amount of money in the long term and provide immediate results regarding website exposure.

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